
  在看這篇報導前應該先科普一下什麼是MSPServices Portfolio(服務組合包)

  ITIL 描述MSPService Portfolio 就是一個MSP提供的所有服務集,這些服務分成3類,分別是開發中未啟用的Service Pipeline(服務管線,未來式)、提供給客戶使用中的Service Catalogue(服務目錄,現在式)、以及進入淘汰週期的Retired Services(汰渙服務,過去式)。所以其中只有Service Catalogue是真正MSP提供給客戶使用的服務,而開發中的Service Pipeline有可能進入Service Catalogue也有可能被廢棄,最後所有Service 都會進入Retired的階段進行淘汰,原則上第一跟第三階段的服務對使用者客戶來說都是不可見的。[1]


[1] Service Portfolio


  Incident Response(IR)簡單說就是對於資安事件(Cybersecurity Incident) 進行快速問題識別與回應的流程,期能將cybersecurity incident負面影響降到最小並儘速解決的方式,這可能需要一個專業的IR TeamTechnology 才有辦法實踐。[2]

  現在由於導致資安漏洞(breaches)cyberattacks(資安攻擊)事件不斷上升,所以IR Service的市場也加速成長,而也有愈來愈多的組織,不管大小或垂直產業鏈都開始選擇把IR Service外包給第三方的MSP來負責幫忙處理資家的安全事故(Security incidents in-house)

The Incident Response (IR) services market is in accelerated growth due to the rise in cyberattacks that result in breaches. More and more organizations, across all sizes and verticals, choose to outsource IR to 3rd party service providers over handling security incidents in-house.

  那為何MSP喜歡外包IR Service給第三方團隊呢?因為MSP一般核心能力在IT環境的組建維護,而組建IR服務則需要另外更多技能的資安人才來共建團隊,如此成本將過高而不利公司運作,所以大部份MSP一般會選擇把IR Service的部份交給3rd party去處理。

  Cynet 公司就提供了專業的IR Team以及技術工具給MSP,只要MSPCynet的無成本IR服務加進其提供給客戶的Service Portfolio就等於讓MSP擁有提供IR服務給客戶的能力而不用自行組建企業內的IR團隊。

Cynet now launches a new offering, enabling existing IT and security service providers to add IR to their offered services cart without having their own in-house team of security experts.

  CynetIR方案又是如何替MSP提供服務給他們的客戶呢?首先MSPService Portfolio中零成本加入IR Service,然後客戶可以從MSP那裡訂閱該服務(Cynet IR Service),當客戶遭遇資安事故時,CynetCyOps團隊可以快速安裝部署Cynet 360到客戶端並快速有效分析原因及回應事故,直到環境回到安全狀態,最後產生reportMSP並由MSP提供予客戶審視該事故,過程中MSP完全不需要提供IR團隊,而是由Cynet cover掉這些服務。

With this offering, the service providers can sell IR services to their customers, and when an incident occurs, engage the Cynet CyOps security team, who install the Cynet 360 platform across the customer environment within minutes, and conduct a rapid and efficient investigation and response, until the environment is clean again.



  1. What is a Service Portfolio?
  2. Incident Response Steps: 6 Steps for Responding to Security Incidents
  3. h Solution Providers Can Now Add Incident Response to Their Services Portfolio For Free,




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