
Five WiFi security settings and their effectiveness in securing your WiFi  network - pcWRT



  今天做公司測驗記下來的一些維護個人資訊安全(Cyber Security)小要點,主要是針對現在遠端工作趨勢形成,在家辦公如何兼顧電腦安全避免危害公司企業來增強大家的Cyber Security知識,分成三個主題: 社群媒體(Social Media)、密碼攻擊(Password Attack)、家庭電腦安全(Cyber Security at home),在這邊整理一些我自己比較容易忽略的點或覺得比較重要的點以茲參考。


社群媒體(Social Media)

  1. Don't share historical personal or sensitive company information on social media.
  2. To accept a new connection request, Take the time to look over the profile and verify that the account is a real person.
  3. Share only enough personal information you need to use a social networking site.(don't share birthday/phone/organization)
    只公開足夠的個人基本資料在社交媒體,最好不要公開 生日 電話 或 工作單位。
  4. Any post on any social app can live for eternity and be shared with anyone regardless of privacy settings and regardless of whether the post was deleted.
  5. Create fake answers for security questions asked by secure websites.
  6. Set your social media privacy settings high, to ensure that only your real friends are able to see your photos and updates.
  7. If account is hackedadvise friends not to click on any suspicious posts or messages that appear to be coming from your account.



密碼攻擊(Password Attack)

  1. 密碼強度 至少應該要8char且包含大小寫字母數字特殊符號,或者密碼至元至少在16-20 字元且無連續性及規則性和個人相關性(密碼有20字元需要至少10億年時間用電腦破解)
  2. Shoulder Surfing : Some thieves try to steal your password or PIN by watching you enter it.
    在任何地方輸入密碼或手機pin碼應該防止被窺視(Shoulder Surfing)
  3. Avoid using the "Remember Me" option when logging into websites.
    不要使用網站的 Remember Me 登入功能
  4. Password cracking tools: John the Ripper/Hashcat
  5. Credential Dumping tools : Mimikatz / Lazagne
  6. Use host firewalls to block client-to-client connections.
  7. Only allow inbound Server Message Block (SMB) from needed machines.


家庭電腦安全(Cyber Security at home)

  1. Change the router's default admin password.
  2. Make sure your router's login page is not accessible from the Internet.
  3. Access your router settings (ask your Internet Service Provider to assist) and hide your device's SSID (or name).
  4. By enabling reliable WPA2 encryption, users will have to use a password to gain access to the network.
  5. Make a back-up of your personal data. Ideally to a physical hard drive that is separate to your computer and also to an external cloud storage provider.
  6. 手機或移動裝置的Bluetooth功能不使用時要關閉
  7. Map all devices connected to the router.
  8. You can use Network Address Translation (NAT) and endpoint firewalls to protect your home Wi-Fi network.
    應該使用NAT 端點防火牆 來保護個人的家庭Wi-Fi網路。




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