今天日記不知道要寫些啥,直到昨天為止剛完成Security Dojo的一系列題解文章,過去幾天都是一天3 .4 篇文章在衝部落格稿數,所以突然Security Dojo系列文章寫完之後又不知道要寫些什麼了,剛好一陣子沒介紹一些喜歡的歌,今天就來推薦一下李千那為霹靂新刀說異數唱的片頭曲"紅塵笑"。
今天日記不知道要寫些啥,直到昨天為止剛完成Security Dojo的一系列題解文章,過去幾天都是一天3 .4 篇文章在衝部落格稿數,所以突然Security Dojo系列文章寫完之後又不知道要寫些什麼了,剛好一陣子沒介紹一些喜歡的歌,今天就來推薦一下李千那為霹靂新刀說異數唱的片頭曲"紅塵笑"。
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the MITRE Top 25 programming flaw: "Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')".
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the Use of Externally-Controlled Format String, MITRE Top 25 vulnerability.
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the programming flaw: "Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference ('XXE')".
PS. 某些特殊情況下會有格式不出來的情況,可以多試幾次就知道了。
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the following MITRE Top 25 programming flaw: 'Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')'.
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the #2 MITRE Top 25 programming flaw: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection').
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the MITRE Top 25 programming flaw: 'Incorrect Authorization'.
The purpose of this challenge is to demonstrate the MITRE Top 25 programming flaw: "Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')".