1. A: Hi, there! How’s it going? 你好阿! 一切還好嗎?
    B: Not too bad. 還不錯啦.

2. A: How is your coffee? 咖啡好喝嗎?
        Can I buy you another cup? 要不要再請你喝一杯
    B: You’re on! 好阿!

3. Frank goes into a local coffee shop. 法蘭克走進一間本地咖啡店.

4. A: Well! Look who’s here! ! 是誰來了!
        If it isn’t Terry! 這不是Terry?
       => If it isn’t + someone 這不是誰誰誰嗎?
    B: That’s me! In the flesh. 是我阿! 如假包換.
         I am glad that I ran into you guys. 很高興在這裡碰見你們.
   ð  run into = bump into  巧遇; 偶遇
   ð  flesh 肉體
   ð  in the flesh 指活生生的一個實體或人本人

5. It is good to see you. 很高興遇到你.

6. A: What’s up with you these days? 最近都在忙些什麼?
    B: Not much. Same old thing. 沒什麼, 還是老樣子

7. I have always got time to hang out with friends. 我還是都有空跟朋友去逛街
 ð  hang out 閒逛

8. Megan Fox is even sexier in the flesh than in the movies.梅根福克斯本人看起來比在電影中更加性感.
 ð  在這裡 in the flesh(在現實生活上) in the movies(在電影裡)成為對襯的概念

9. A: It’s nice to meet you , Terry. 很高興認識你, Terry
    B: Likewise, Lizzie. 我也是, Lizzie

10. I have heard nothing but good things about you. 我聽過你不少好話.
  ð  nothing but 強調只有” , only 更強烈

11. I heard you like to scuba dive. 我聽說你愛潛水.

12. I have been dying to meet you. 我早就想見見你這個人了.
  ð  be dying to + V 渴望……..

13. I didn’t catch that. 我沒聽清楚.
  ð  catch 理解;聽清楚

14. Well, I am flattered . 我真是受寵若驚.

15.  Come on! Let’s get a drink. 來吧, 讓我們來喝一杯飲料.

16.  It is times like these that you find out who your friends really are. 這真是患難見真情.
  ð  times like these 關鍵時刻.


Thursday, June 12, 2014 , 5:54 AM

    英文 單字 句型 對話

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