- Listen up! 聽好了!
- You don't say! 不會吧!
- Take your time! 別急!
- How thoughtful of you! 你真是體貼!
- No Problem. 不客氣;沒什麼.
- What a jerk! 真是個討厭鬼!
- What's happening ? 你好嗎?
- Come on in! 快進來!
- Excuse me. = Pardon me .不好意思.
- Not in a million years! 下輩子吧!
- Never mind. = forget about it. 別放在心上.
- In your dreams! 你做夢!
- Take a hike! 滾遠一點!
- Mind your own business! 關你屁事!(別多管閒事!)
- Ignorance is Bliss. 無知便是福.
- I have already got used to it. 我已經習慣了.
- That's very kind of you. = You are very kind. 妳人真好.
- Oh! So it's you! 喔! 原來是你呀.
- You rock. 你好屌. 好利害.
- That's impressive. 你很厲害.
- Thanks for your troubles. 辛苦你了.
- How far (is it) from here? 從這裡去有多遠?
- I hope you are well. 你好.
- Congratulations on your purchase! 感謝您的購買.
- You can say that again! 沒錯!(表非常贊同對方的話)
- Would you spell that (word) for me, please? 可以請你幫我拼出那個字嗎?
- One moment, please. 請稍候.
- Let me take a look. 讓我看看.
- There's something going on. (那裡)好像發生什麼事情了.
- It's sweet of you to ask. 很感謝妳的邀約.
- Maybe another time! 下次吧.
- Couldn't be better! 再好不過了!
- Fancy seeing you here. 很高興在這遇到你.
- What a pleasant surprise! 真是驚喜呀!
- Are you here on your own? 你自己一個人(來)嗎?
- What did you have in mind? 你有什麼計畫嗎?
- What do you say? 你覺得呢?
- I am full! 我吃飽了.
- I'm already seeing someone. 我已經有對象了.
- It's time for off work . 下班時間到了.
- Listen! 對了!...
- How long have you been married? 你結婚多久了?
- There's more. 好戲還在後頭. ; 還有呢!
- Can I have your attention please? 請大家注意這裡!
- Please take a seat. 請坐好.
- Somebody call for help! 快找救兵!(快叫人幫忙呀!)
- Heads up! 小心上面!
- Hit the deck! 趴下!
- How did it go? 怎麼了?
- Don’t get so worked up! 別如此激動!