
  這個標題來自於這一篇文章"Why Changing DNS Settings Increases Your Internet Speed?"它講解了DNS服務以及我們為何可以透過調整DNS位址的設定來加快網路速度。


  What is DNS?

DNS( Domain Name Service)是用來轉換URL到其對應的IP位址的服務,就好像是電話簿,負責把URL Server對應IP找出來。

此外,現今世界網站URL數量太多,因此不可能在一台DNS Server放置所有的IP對應表,所以DNS Server使用Cache機制把常用的IP對應存在Cache中,只有當遇到Cache中找不到的URL-IP對應才會去問其他的DNS Server


[原文] The Domain Name System (DNS) is the digital equivalent of a phonebook, providing a number (IP address) for a given name (URL). 

[原文] your DNS server will have cached the data for a range of websites. If you try to access a site that isn’t already cached, then your DNS server will request the entry from another server.


DNS 如何物理運作?

  事實上DNS是透過全球電纜連接才能夠運作,這些電纜無論是光纖或是同軸纜線,它們把全世界的Server連結起來,包括DNS Server,因此當你聯網時,只要是合法的DNS Server都可以使用在你的Internet Setting,只是這些Server有可能是在離你幾萬公里之外的某個國家,也可能是在離你幾公尺近的機房。

  但通常我們的DNS Server預設情況下都是由我們的ISP網路供應商所提供,您也許根本不用設定,只要網路採自動設定即可,只不過ISP提供的DNS Server未必是最佳的選項。


[原文] The infrastructure which supports the internet is a series of cables—either copper or optical—which connect servers around the world. Data is carried across these cables in the form of electromagnetic waves, with a speed limited to the speed of light.


改變DNS 設定即可改善網速

所以DNS Server 其實會受到與你本機位置設定的距離範圍影響,通常ISPDSN Server 並不見得是離你最近的DNS Server,因此如果你是當選擇符合您區域範圍內的DNS Server便可以大大增加聯網速度,簡單說走幾步問路一定比走幾公里問路來得快速,有近路又何必繞遠路?


[原文] While we can’t do anything to increase that speed, we can reduce the distance these waves have to travel. If a DNS server is located far away from you, then your browsing speeds will be impacted.


Google Public DNS

如果真的不知道要怎麼設定DNS Server,就把DNS設定成Googlepublic DNS IP : and Google Public Server是由一群Server組成會自動幫你配置這裡面對你而言最佳且快速的DNS Server來為你提供DNS 服務,背後是透過CDN服務來達成。

[原文] Google Public DNS is one of the most popular DNS server alternatives and uses two IP addresses ( and These are known as anycast addresses, with multiple servers around the world responding to requests from these addresses. 







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