

該文是參考網路文章The Best Dark Web Websites You Won’t Find on Google節錄下來關於一些Dark Web Site的重點。

該文章前面簡單提到了一點點(真的就只有一點點) Dark Web 的概念,說明了它跟 Deep Web 的關係,而Deep Web是什麼呢? 簡言之就是搜尋引擎找不到的資訊都可以在Deep Web 層級找到。

“The deep web refers to anything on the internet that can’t be found using a search engine. That includes emails in your Gmail account, direct messages on social networks, and even your Facebook photos that you marked as private.”

上述這一段話解釋了Deep Web,看起來連個人的mail,網路上的聊天訊息以及上鎖的照片都可能在Deep Web找到,還真是可怕。

The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. It is responsible for the deep web’s bad reputation. 

Dark Web 暗網 則是一個Deep Web 的子集合,負責所有Deep Web可以拿來做壞事的部分,包括一些不法的黑市買賣跟可怕的圖片等等都是Dark Web可以找到的東西,然後就開始主題,該文接下來列出一些推薦的Dark Web 網站。

另外,該文提醒想逛Dark Web的壞人,最好透過VPN進入Dark Web,這是一種保護自己的概念,畢竟Dark Web本身就是不安全的地方,透過VPN進入這未知之地倒也是會令人安心一點。

We strongly recommend shielding yourself with a VPN before you access the dark web. The notion that the Tor browser provides failsafe anonymity(匿名) is false; you need to protect yourself.


  1. The Hidden Wiki

Onion URL: http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
The Hidden Wiki
是一個可以搜尋到有用的Onion web site的站點,其中包阿合法與受國家政府審查監視的網站,因此在逛這些網站時要特別小心注意是否會不小心觸法。

  1. Facebook

Onion URL: https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/
透過dark web site 使用facebook ,可以在FB被國家封鎖的情況下仍能訪問FB,另外你也可以在Dark Web FB 建一個新帳號登入FB,如此可以避免被公司抓包你上班訪問FB
“you can create and use an account anonymously. You can use Facebook’s services without exposing yourself to the company’s privacy-eroding tentacles “

  1. SoylentNews

Onion URL: http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion/
世界上的媒體新聞總是帶有特定政治目的,如果你想要發佈或看到更多更真實的新聞,可以透過開源且open source, community-driven news aggregator SoylentNews
“One solution is to use an open source, community-driven news aggregator(聚合) such as SoylentNews. Users can submit stories from around the world, and there’s also public discussion forums and an automatic comment moderation(適度) system.”

  1. ProPublica

Onion URL: https://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/
ProPublica 是一個非營利的新聞組織,會公佈濫用權力與背叛政治信任的政府或組織機構的惡行。
ProPublica is a non-profit news organization that aims to “expose abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism.

  1. DuckDuckGo

Onion URL: https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/
DuckDuckGo 可以說是暗網界的Google搜尋引擎。
” DuckDuckGo is one of the leading private internet search engines on the open web. It’s a great dark web search engine which it affords(獲得
) users an extra layer of protection and anonymity. ”

  1. Galaxy3

Onion URL: http://galaxy3m2mn5iqtn.onion/
這是 dark web-based social network.你將可以在這邊找到厲害的人和一些有趣的人際關係。
you will find experts in computer code, people looking for adult meets, and plenty of other “interesting” characters.

  1. Hidden Answers

Onion URL:http://answerszuvs3gg2l64e6hmnryudl5zgrmwm3vh65hzszdghblddvfiqd.onion/
Hidden Aswer是暗網界的Reddit,User可以在這邊找到更多的熱門討論內容同時保有比Reddit更完整的匿名性。
” Hidden Answers is akin to a dark web version of Reddit. Users seek advice, post stories, and discuss a wide range of topics. Unlike Reddit, Hidden Answers offers users complete anonymity. ”

  1. Mail2Tor

Onion URL: http://mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion/
一個可以匿名收送mail且不會被trace IP的暗網Mail Service Provider
” Mail2Tor is an alternative email provider. It lets anyone send and receive email anonymously via webmail or with an email client. All messages are encrypted, and the company does not log your IP address.”

  1. OnionDomain

Onion URL: http://onionname3jpufot.onion/
“If you want to host your own .onion website, you will need a domain name. You can get a non-sensical domain for free, but if you want a vanity(虛榮) URL, you will need to pay.”

  1. TorLinks

Onion URL: http://torlinksd6pdnihy.onion/
一個提供比Hidden Wiki更多更好的onion site list的地方
” TorLinks is an alternative site to The Hidden Wiki. It provides a list of dark web sites across endless categories.”


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